This article explains the steps you must follow to generate an API Key in 3RPMS

To establish the integration with RoomPriceGenie we need an API Key.


You can easily generate an API Key by following the steps described in this step-by-step visual or follow the steps mentioned under the visuals:


STEP 1: Click on Settings

Click on  Settings

STEP 2: Click on Integrations access

Click on Integrations access

STEP 3: Click on Create

Click on Create

STEP 4: Type RoomPriceGenie and select the option "Read & Write"

Type RoomPriceGenie and select the option "Read & Write"

STEP 5: Click on Create

Click on Create

STEP 6: Click on the small pencil icon "Update"

Click on the small pencil icon "Update"

STEP 7: Copy the API Key and send it to your contact person from RoomPriceGenie

Copy the API Key and send it to your contact person from RoomPriceGenie

That’s all for now! If any questions arise or something does not work as described, don’t hesitate to contact us via email, phone, live chat or contact form on the website.