This article explains the steps necessary to connect your MEWS account to the RoomPriceGenie RMS.

To establish the integration with RoomPriceGenie we need a token. That token can be found by following these easy steps:


Step 1: Go to Marketplace in your MEWS account

Step 2: Go to the Revenue Management tab in the Marketplace and search for RoomPriceGenie. Once you’ve found it, click on ‘See more/ Explore’.

Step 3: Click on Connect Integration

Step 4: Right after connecting, you see that the RoomPriceGenie interface is enabled. We will receive a notification email from MEWS with a token to establish the integration.

Step 5: In case you’d ever need to view the token (for your own use or verification by us), you can easily access the token yourself by clicking ‘Settings’ and selecting the ‘Key’ symbol in the upper right corner as shown:


NOTE: With the access token, we can set up the connection between MEWS and RoomPriceGenie. Our contact person from RoomPriceGenie will get in touch with you if they require any further information.


That’s all for now! If any questions arise or something does not work as described, don’t hesitate to contact us via email, phone, live chat or contact form on the website.