Marketing - Let's do more

You are listed on RoomPriceGenie and want to do more shared marketing activities together

After the initial joined marketing activities announcing the partnership online and featuring you on the website, there are several other options to promote our company.

Partner blog post on RoomPriceGenie blog
We invite our partners to share their knowledge and expertise through content for our blog. 
Please have a look at our guest blog template for more information and how to feature your content on the RoomPriceGenie Website.

Shared events
The Genies love collaborating with our partners on events, tradeshows, roadshows, and other get-togethers. There is no one-size fits all approach, but please contact our marketing team at to explore the possibilities and start planning.

Webinars are a low-cost and effective method of promoting our integrated solution. When organizing a webinar, we require a happy customer to join us to make the story even stronger.
To start the planning process for a webinar please reach out to our marketing team at

Is your ideal activity not listed?
Or do you have any other questions? Please contact - we are here to collaborate. Or schedule a meeting directly.

And last, but certainly not least, open and bookmark this overview of key contacts at RoomPriceGenie to always be in close touch :)