2023 July - Our new look is here, and it’s magic at your fingertips! ✨

Same great functionalities, new look: RoomPriceGenie now looks even better with a cleaner look and more intuitive feel!

Navigating the pricing calendar is now all in one place

Use the calendar options to get an overview of the pricing adjustments you made in the pricing calendar and switch between room types.video 1_calendar_options

Bulk edit functionality has a new home

You can now bulk edit prices directly in the calendar without switching tabs. Instead, you can access the bulk edit in the options at the top.

video 2_bulk_edit

Get an overview of your occupancy and pickup


Occupancy and pickup are visualized in two calendars instead of one.


Daily pricing overview in one glance

You can now get a fast overview of daily pricing by hovering over a specific day in the pricing calendar. There is no need to click on the day itself anymore.


Expand pricing calculations

You can now get a fast overview of daily pricing by hovering over specific days in the pricing calendar. No need to click on the day itself anymore.


Show closed periods in the price chart 

Closed periods of your hotel are now visualized in the chart to give you a better overview.

Account settings are all in one place

Click on your profile to make changes to your account.